domenica 27 settembre 2009

100 years : Happy Birthday Bugatti

1909: Ettore Bugatti (from Milan - Italy) start to work in the family company.
2009: after 100 years the Brand Bugatti is, one time more, famous all over the world thanks to the effort of the Volkswagen Group.
I would like to remember the time (1987-1995) where Mr.Romano Artioli buys the Bugatti trademarks and move the company's headquarters from Molsheim to Campogalliano (near Modena).
During this period (1991) Romano Artioli present in Paris a new model named EB110 (dedicate to Ettore Bugatti): 12 cylinders engine, boasts four turbo chargers, four wheel drive and 560 hp. A gift for you: a video with the fantastic Bugatti EB110. Ciao

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