mercoledì 7 ottobre 2009

CM Composit srl: The "Artisan" of Carbon Fiber Processing

Generally "artisan" or, better, "artisan production" means products with a very high level of quality, handmade and really customized to the desire of the client.
That's the reason why i called "The artisan" CM Composit srl company and i want to explain you why.
But first a small presentation:

CM Composit was established in 1988, in Vignola (Modena), to exploit modern composite material technology.
The technical and racing experience of the two partners, Massimo Sola and Claudio Degli Angeli, both former racing drivers, backed up by the expertise of Luciano Sola, father of Massimo Sola, and a real understanding of market trends, allowed CM Composit to become a pioneering business in the carbon industry.
Substantial capital investments yielded profits and resulted in a constant growth of the company's customer portfolio and skilled workforce. CM Composit's factory equipment is state-of-the-art. The Company sells nationwide and aims now to export a growing share of its products.
CM Composit designs, develops and produces engineered products from the construction of the model and mould for lamination of the parts through to finishing such as trimming, gluing and polishing..
In order to maintain its market leadership, CM Composit plans to invest in engineering and new ideas to meet the requirements of its customers.

"Tradition, Innovation and Racing" with these three words we could describe the spirit of this young company:
- Constant attention to Tradition and Innovation: every fiber carbon product is absolutely handmade but is also a single complete project and it mean design, realization of the model and a mould etc. and all made with the best modern technology.
- Racing, for Massimo and Claudio, mean passion and job.
Passion because the two partners are both drivers in Karting and they know very well the world of race.
Job because, thanks to their experience and continuos effort, they are suppliers of racing teams like:

Ferrari F1, Ducati SBK, Dallara Racing Team and others.
Thanks Massimo and Claudio -

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